
Holy Fire® III Reiki

Holy Fire® III Reiki is the newest form of Reiki that harnesses the sacred energy of holy fire. This technique is a unique blend of power and gentleness, offering a profound experience of purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. By integrating traditional Usui Reiki practices, Holy Fire® III Reiki elevates the energy to a higher state of consciousness. During a session, the divine energy of holy Fire is channeled to help release blockages, balance energy, and promote overall well-being. This healing energy is a wonderful tool for personal growth and transformation. (

Distant Holy Fire® lll Reiki Sessions

A distant Reiki session is very effective, and the benefits are no different than an in-person session. It is a convenient and effective way to receive Reiki in the comfort of your own home. Using the Reiki symbols, I can connect to anyone, anywhere because Reiki has no time or space limitations. Healing energy can travel with the power of positive intentions and is received by the client. Initially, we connect by text message or phone and then discuss the session at the end. However, we can connect by phone throughout the session as well, the choice is yours. Try it…..Believe it….. it works!
  • 60 minutes $75.00

  • 90 minutes $115.00 (no GST)

In-Person Reiki Session

Working to release and move any stagnate, negative or trapped energy, I incorporate different modalities into this Reiki session. I use tools such as: sound bowls, tuning forks, and crystals. With sound bowls, I work to ground, clear, and balance your aura and chakras. Tuning forks I use for specific issues such as specific grounding, and areas of pain. I use crystals to assist your healing needs according to the energy that is needed. I also use essential oils such as Frankincense and lavender. If you have allergies, please let me know ahead of time.
  • 60 minutes $85.00

  • 90 minutes $125.00 ( no GST)

Benefits Of Holy Fire® III Reiki

Holy Fire® Reiki is a powerful form of healing that offers many benefits to practitioners and recipients alike. Some of the key benefits of Holy Fire® Reiki include increased relaxation, stress relief, emotional healing, physical healing, and spiritual growth. This form of Reiki can also help to release negative energy, promote a sense of wellbeing and balance, enhance intuition and psychic ability, and increase one’s connection to the divine. Holy Fire® Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of healing that can transform lives and promote health and happiness at all levels.

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.

Increase Energy

Reduce Depression, Tension, Stress, Anxiety

Improved Sleep / Mood

Mental Clarity

Alleviate Pain

Increase Emotional Wellness

Release Low Vibration Spirit Attachments

Increase Feelings Of Peace, Joy And Love

What to Expect & How to Prepare for a Reiki Session

Energy healing has no boundaries. Sessions can be in-person or by phone in the comfort of your home.

Upon booking a session: I will have you send me an appropriate head shot picture of yourself. This helps me to visualize you (for distant sessions only). For a distant session you can set up your space using any of the following if you desire: select relaxing instrumental music to play during the session. You can dim lights, put on a diffuser with essential oil, burn a candle safely. Wear comfortable clothes. Avoid eating a heavy meal beforehand. Lay down – find a comfortable spot if you are at home for distant Reiki session. A place that you will not be disturbed. You can cover up with a light blanket.

Preparation for Distant & In-Person sessions: I clear and protect my working space. I may use the following: sage smudge, smudging sprays, frankincense, sound bowls (in-person session: if you are sensitive to smells, or sound frequencies let me know)

Starting the session: I do a brief meditation to connect to Reiki energy. Working head to toe, I scan your whole body using my left hand to see where blockages are. I place my hands on or just above an area of your body. Initially focusing on the chakra areas and then pinpoint any pain or issues that you may have. As I channel Reiki and it starts to flow, you may feel sensations such as: tingling, heat, cold, vibration, heaviness. You may have feelings that come and go, you may experience visions or stories, or you may not feel anything at all. Everyone is different and the experiences you have will differ with each session.

During the session: I may use the following if I’m guided: crystals, sound bowl, tuning forks. Your spirit guides, animal spirit or past life issues may come forward to connect with me. These only come through if you are meant to receive the message/information and are only for your highest and greatest good. Each session is different, and I have no control over what may or may not come through.
As the session comes to an end: I ground and seal your energy. For the in-person session you will hear a soft ring of a chime signalling the session is over.

For the Distant Session I will text you when I’m done. Take your time in getting up and please call me when you are ready. Some clients will fall asleep, that is OK. Just call me when you wake up. We will discuss the session and compare our experience.
Every session and experience are different. Pay attention to the next few days as things may arise days later.

After a session You may feel deep relaxation, peace, exhausted, or tired. Drink plenty of water and you can also have a piece of dark chocolate for grounding. You may also feel a bit off the next few days both physically and emotionally as your body resets. These unsettled feelings will subside and you will feel much better.

Book A Session

Do you have a question or enquiry? I am just an email away and would love to hear from you.

Meet Karen

I HAD A DREAM…. My healing journey was ignited by a dream that enticed me to explore Reiki, a few years ago. With no prior knowledge of Reiki, I trusted my intuition and enrolled in Reiki courses, eventually attaining the title of Holy Fire III Reiki Master. Intrigued by the powerful healing of Reiki, and looking for other complementary modalities, I discovered the profound impact of The Emotion Code and The Body Code. Inspired by the transformative stories detailed in Dr. Bradley Nelson's books The Emotion Code and The Body Code, I am now a Certified Practitioner. I firmly believe that practices such as Body Code, Emotion Code and Reiki, alongside other healing modalities, hold the key to empowering individuals to reclaim control over their health. Often, we prioritize the needs of others over our own well-being, a pattern I was once caught in myself. If you seek relief from issues such as pain, fear, stress, fatigue, or anxiety, allow me to guide you towards a gentler, more compassionate approach to self-care. I am here not just as a healer, but as a caring advocate for your well-being.

“Let’s work together to create a life filled with joy, balance, and inner harmony.”